
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Padmashali Nithyaanna Sathram, Vemulavada

Anna Sathram being constructed by our Padmashalis

Padmashali Nithyaanna Sathram, Vemulavada

Vemulawada Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swami Temple is a holy place in South India.

Vemulawada Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swami temple is one of the very few temples devoted to Lord Siva. This historical temple located in south India is popularly known as The Dakshana Kashi (Benaras of South India). Lakhs of devotees visit Vemulawada Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swami temple every year from all over the country.

This Temple is frequently visited by our Padmashali devotees, to offer their prayers and seek divine blessings.

With the help of Padmashali khulabhandhavulu, we have started Padmashali Nityannadhana Satram Trust in rented premises and engaged in Nityannadhanam especially for Padmashali’s who are visiting Vemulawada Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swamy temple.

We have purchased land and started construction of two storied complex. The proposed building will have 30 rooms and a big dining hall for Nityannadhana Satram. Presently the construction is in progress.

To help in this, we invite generous donations to the Nityannadhana Satram Trust for construction of the building and for smooth continuation of Nityannadhanam every day. This would be of great help and convenience for all the Padmashali’s visiting Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swami temple in Vemulawada.

Akhila Bharatha Padmashali Nityanna Satram is located in Vemulawada, Karimnagar District, Andhra Pradesh, India.


MAHARAJA POSHAKULU - Rs. 1,25,116.00

Donors of Rs. 1, 25,116.00 will be treated as “MAHARAJA POSHAKULU” and a room will named after them. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 25 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.

RAJA POSHAKULU - Rs. 1,01,116.00

Donors of Rs. 1, 01,116.00 will be treated as “RAJA POSHAKULU” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam” at the Main gate. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 20 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.

MAHA POSHAKULU - Rs. 55,000.00

Donors of Rs. 55,000.00 will be treated as “MAHA POSHAKULU” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam” at the Conference hall. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 15 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.


Donors of Rs. 51,116.00 will be treated as “POSHAKA BHAVANA NIDHI” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam” at the Dining hall. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 10 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.


Donors of Rs. 25,116.00 will be treated as “POSHAKA ANNADHATHA” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam”. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 8 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.

BHUDHANA DHATHA - Rs. 11,116.00

Donors of Rs. 11,116.00 will be treated as “BHUDHANA DHATHA” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam”. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 5 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.

ANNADHATHA - Rs. 5,116.00

Donors of Rs. 5,116.00 will be treated as “ANNADHATHA” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam”. Apart from this every year they are privileged to stay free for 3 days in a year at Nityannadhana Satram.

ANNADHATHA - Rs. 3,116.00

Donors of Rs. 3,116.00 will be treated as “ANNADHATHA” and their names would be written on “Shila Palakam”.

For Donations Please contact:

Akhila Bharatha Padmashali Nityanna Satram,

Karimnagar District,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

Gajula Hari
Mobile: 94415 96661
Kondabathini Narayana
Mobile: 94408 43009

Please check their site : http//

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Padmashali Gothrams 102


1) Pourusha Rishi

2) Dhaksha Rishi

3) Vaalakhilya Rishi

4) Vasishta Rishi

5) Vruksha Rishi

6) Bruhathi Rishi

7) Vanaka Rishi

8) Viswa Rishi

9) Kasyapa Rishi

10) Dhaaruka Rishi

11) Kuthsa Rishi

12) Mouyaa Rishi

13) Pavana Rishi

14) Vyseena Rishi

15) Jamadhagni Rishi

16) Mandavya Rishi

17) Yadhu Rishi

18) Kaasila Rishi

19) Thrisanka Rishi

20) Thurvaasa Rishi

21) Jatila Rishi

22) Vedhamatha Rishi

23) Vidhu Rishi

24) Bhaaratha Rishi

25) Voordhvaasa Rishi

26) Upendhra Rishi

27) Vanajaala Rishi

28) Ambareesha Rishi

29) Dhanumjaya Rishi

30) Madhu Rishi

31) Chyavana Rishi

32) Bikshu Rishi

33) Pasunaka Rishi

34) Koundilya Rishi

35) Satyakarma Rishi

36) Thaksha Rishi

37) Pravruksha Rishi

38) Ruruksha Rishi

39) Puroo Rishi

40) Pulasthya Rishi

41) Saadhu Rishi

42) Gargeya Rishi

43) Kapila Rishi

44) Samsthitha Rishi

45) Thrihoo Rishi

46) Nishchitha Rishi

47) Saruksha Rishi

48) Pridhvi Rishi

49) Poundraka Rishi

50) Udhaya Pavana Rishi

51) Kousika Rishi

52) Bhrahma Rishi

53) Manu Rishi

54) Jhooreela Rishi

55) Kamandala Rishi

56) Aathreya Rishi

57) Rishya Srumga Rishi

58) Dhigvaasa Rishi

59) Puraasana Rishi

60) Vana Samgnya Rishi

61) Sindhu Rishi

62) Poushtala Rishi

63) Ronaka Rishi

64) Raghu Rishi

65) Thushta Rishi

66) Aasrama Rishi

67) Bhargava

68) Subhiksha Rishi

69) Chokrila Rishi

70) Amgeerasa Rishi

71) Bharadhvaja Rishi

72) Prashta Rishi

73) Kousika Rishi

74) Vydhrutha Rishi

75) Sapilvaka Rishi

76) Sutheeksha Surya Rishi

77) Chandra Rishi

78) Suka Rishi

79) Sounaka Rishi

80) Maareecha Rishi

81) Niyamtha Rishi

82) Suthra Rishi

83) Thrustna Rishi

84) Sandilya Rishi

85) Punyava Rishi

86) Sthramsa Rishi

87) Sukeerthi Rishi

88) Vaachvik Rishi

89) Maanasvi Rishi

90) Agasthya Rishi

91) Dhenuka Rishi

92) Puttha Rishi

93) Vyaasa Rishi

94) Guha Rishi

95) Athri Rishi

96) Paraasara Rishi

97) Gouthuma Rishi

98) Pramcheeva Rishi

99) Voorjhveeswara Rishi

100)Swayambhu Rishi

101)Naaradha Rishi


Monday, July 6, 2009

The Visa God - Chilkur Balaji Temple


The Balaji Temple is located at Chilkur in the Hyderabad district. It is 33 Kms away from Mehedipatnam. Approximately 75,000 to 1,00,000 devotees visit in a week. Generally temple gets heavy rush on Fridays and Sundays.

The temple at Chilkur is managed by the hereditary trustee Sri M.V. Soundara Rajan and Sri C.S. Gopala Krishna. The entire family of the archaka, including the women are dedicated themselves to serve the God.


Twenty Five kilometers from Hyderabad off the Vikarabad road and on the banks of Osmansagar is the picturesque village of Chikur with its hoary temple dedicated to Sri Balaji Venkateshwara. From the style, structure and appearance, it can be inferred that the temple was built half a millennium ago. Set in sylvan surroundings, the temple attracts thousands of pilgrims every year and is an ideal place for sequestered retreat and meditation. It enjoyed in the past, great days of pomp and glory.

The temple is one of the oldest in Telengana, having been built during the time of Akkanna and Madanna, the uncles of Bhakta Ramdas. According to tradition, a devotee who used to visit Tirupati every year could not do so on one occasion owing to serious ill-health. Lord Venkateshwara appeared in his dream and said, "I am right here in the jungle nearby. You don't have to worry." The devotee at once moved to the place indicated by the Lord in the dream and saw a mole- hill there, which he dug up. Accidentally, the axe struck Lord Balaji's idol covered by the mole-hill below the chin and on the chest, and surprisingly blood started flowing profusely from the "wounds", flooding the ground and turning it scarlet. The devotee could not believe his eyes when he saw this. Suddenly he could not believe his ears also when he heard a voice from the air which said,"Flood the mole-hill with cow's milk. "When the devotee did so, a Swayambhu idol of Lord Balaji accompanied by Sridevi and Bhoodevi(a rare combination) was found, and this idol was installed with the due rites and a temple built for it.

Sri Balaji venkateshwara, the Pratyaksha Daiva in kaliyuga, is thus available at Chilkur to shower blessings on His devotees who for any reason are unable to go to Tirupati. Many devout worshippers flock to the temple, to receive the blessings of the Lord and his consorts throughout the year particularly during the Poolangi, Annakota and Brahmothsavams.

With the earnest desire to revive the former glory and importance of the temple, the idol of Ammavaru was installed in 1963 the year following the Chinese aggression, and when the aggression was unilaterally vacated, Ammavaru was given the name of Rajya Lakshmi, signifying this welcome event. The unique feature of this idol is that lotus flowers are held in three hands and the fourth hand is in such a position towards the lotus feet which signifies the doctrine of Saranagathi.

The temple has been visited by great Acharyas from time to time. A visit to the temple is a must for the Jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt every time he visits the twin cities, and in the temple is installed the idol of the first Jeer. The Tilakayaths of Sri Vallabhacharya Sampradaya have been regularly visiting the shrine. Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya of Sringeri Mutt and his disciple graced the efforts of the trustees in improving the temple.


Vishnu Sahasranama was first composed & recited by Bhishma, when he was on his deathbed. Lord Krishna went to see Bhishma because he was breathing his last. When Bhishma had darshan of Lord Krishna, he started reciting Vishnu Sahasranama immediately. Vishnu Sahasranama means, rosary of thousand names of Lord Vishnu.

He started reciting Vishnu Sahasranama in the order he saw lord's form continuously and successively.

Vishnu Sahasranama is found in Mahabharata, the great epic of India. If confers all the mundane transcendental benefits to the person who chants it. There are so many Sahasranamas of Vishnu, but among them this happens to be the most cardinal and important one because right from Sankaracharyalu there are so many Sages and Saints who have recited and commented in their own way. Even today, it is recited with the fervor and gaiety in all the temples of Lord Vishnu.

The Chanting of following names of Lord Vishnu, immensely helps us in overcoming the obstacles in our daily life.

1. "Om Vashatkaaraaya Namaha" : For Success in Business.

2. "Om Aksharaaya Namaha" : For Success in Studies.

3. "Om Bhuthabhavanaya Namaha" : For Good Health.

4. "Om Paramaathmane Namaha" : For Self Confidence.