
Monday, March 2, 2009

Annaprasana - Namakaranam - Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony (Hair removal)

Annaprasana-First solid food feeding ceremony

This sanskar/ tradition/ ceremony is performed on or after sixth or seventh month as per the gender of the child, sixth or even months for the boy child and odd months for the girl child. This ritualistic ceremony initiates the introduction of solid food for the baby.

When the baby gets solid food for the first time, Mantras are recited and pujas are offered to the various deities. It is believed that, with Annaprasana, the flaws that arise due to intake of impure food when as a foetus are removed. It is also believed that Annaprasana ceremony will help to propitiate speech. The meaning of Annaprasana is anna=rice and prasana= to enter. Annaprasana is done after the Namakaran ceremony.

The baby is given rice kheer or payasam fed with a golden ring in some temple or in the presence of a priest. From here on you can continue giving the baby solid items in small quantity.

Annaprasana, food feeding ceremony

According to the Grihyasutras, Annaprasana should be performed when the child is between six and seven months old. For a weak child, it can be postponed further. However it should not be performed before the child is four months old because he will not be able to digest food before then. Nor should the ceremony be performed after he is a year old because delaying additional nourishment could retard the child's natural growth and development.

Some people believe that Annaprasana should be performed after the child's first teeth come out as this is a sure sign that he will be able to digest solid food.

At the close of the function, different articles (books, fruits, toys, money etc.) are spread before the child. The baby is allowed to touch these items and it is believed that what the baby touches first will be his interest for the rest of his life.


The Hindu baby naming ceremony, Hindu naming ritual-Namakaran

The traditional ceremony of naming the baby in the Hindu way is known as the namakaran ceremony. This is a social and legal necessity and an important duty of the parents. The naming process creates a bond between the child and the rest of the family, and therefore is a highly auspicious occasion. This ceremony is usually performed on the 12th day after birth thou it varies from region to region and custom to custom.

The mother is specially honored because she brought the child into the world. All the relatives and the guests who are present bless the child and offer gifts to the child and the parents. The blessings say that the child should grow into being a great person like his renowned forefathers. Though the infant, obviously, does not understand the meaning of the ceremony the parents do; and it helps them to understand the responsibility of bringing up and developing the child into a worthy human being. For others who are present it is a reassuring experience of understanding the dignity and value of human life!

The Namkaran puja is either held at home or in a temple where the priest offers prayers to all the gods and to the Agni, the elements, and the spirits of the forefathers, and entreats them to bless and protect the child. The child`s horoscope if written is also placed in front of the image of the deity for blessings. Then the baby is then placed in the father's (in some regions, maternal uncle's) lap to be blessed and then he whispers the chosen hindu name in the child's right ear, by using a betel leaf or its silver imprint, or a few leaves of kusa grass to direct the words in his ear. After the naming ritual is over, friends and relatives who have come for the ceremony, bless the child and touch some honey or sugar to its lips.

If the naming ceremony is not done on the 12th day, it can be done on the 101 day or on the first birthday. After the ceremony a feast is usually arranged to mark the holy occasion and vegetarian meals are prepared.


Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony, baby's first hair removal, Hindu hair removal tradition

The next important ceremony after Annaprasana and Namakarana in a Hindu child's life is the Tala neelalu theeyu cermony when the baby has his first hair cut. The Mundan ceremony can be done in the 1st year, 3rd year or 5th year of age but it is normally done before the completion of three years of age of the boy.

Please note that Tala neelalu theeyu cermony is prescribed only boy babies but today with the changing times, it has become a practice to have the ceremony done for girl child too.

A proper Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony involves three rituals of about an hours duration – the boy’s parents do a "Ganesh puja" (worship of the Hindu God Ganapati or Ganesh); a barber who shaves the child receives some honour; and a "Havan" (a purifying ritual with a fire ceremony) with devotional prayers known as the Ayushya Homa mantra and Arati concludes the ceremony. This is followed by a feast and the giving of presents which form the social aspect of the Mundan as a samskar.

Shaving the head is termed as "Ayushkarma" in Sanskrit, It means enhancing the longevity or the life span of the child. "Ayuh" in Ayurveda also means this). The child's hair at the time of birth is not strong and the mundan ceremony ensures that hair roots are strengthened and strong hair is formed. The shaved head received Vitamin D from from exposure to sun and this has its own medicinal benefits. Little hair is left at the back known as "Shikha", this is supposed to protect that part of the brain which helps in memory. The Shikha is also supposed to denote the place where, for a pious person, the soul leaves the body at the time of death.

In North India, Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony is done usually at one of the Goddess Durga's temples in the hills. In South India people usually visit Lord Balaji's temple at Tirupati for Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony or Lord Murugan's temple at Palani to conduct the ceremony. You can read more about Tala neelalu theeyu ceremony in Tirupati.

Courtesy: Indian Hindu


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  4. Hi, Articles has good information. I am searching for information when to do 'Tala neelalu' ceremony. I understand that it can be done in 1Yr/3Yr/5Yr. My son is 7month old now, is it okay to do in 7th month? I heard that it can be done in specific months only even with in year. Thank you.

  5. Hi,

    As per Panchangams, it can be done in the first year also with some conditions such as: if it is for female child, it can be done in 3,5,7 months. For male child, it can be done in 6,8 and 10 months. For exact and correct information, you are advised to approach a Pandit who can give you correct information. All the best.

  6. Head Shaving for a child is torture for the kid. I have seen the little child crying so severly but in the name of the culture many parents accepts this. But in reality they are torturing the kid and poor kid is crying like a hell.

  7. Yes, of course. It is a custom that we cannot ignore it. All the best.

  8. hi
    head shaving for a child that program will be conduct by the father are any other person

  9. Hi if sutakam is there can it be done at tirupati

  10. can the hair cut be done in 11th month or 12th month

  11. Hi,
    My girl is 7 months old . Can you please suggest on which day can I perform naming ceremony . TIA

  12. My baby is 6 th mnth running...her naming ceremony is not done due to some reasons.can annaprasana be done without naming ceremony now..??

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